Dear Friend, "I am a PeaceBuilder. I Pledge…to praise people, to give up put-downs, to seek wise people as advisors and friends, to notice the hurts I have caused and make amends, to right wrongs, to help others. I will build peace at home, at school, and in my community each day." This is the pledge the local grade schoolers do each day after the normal pledge to the flag. Each class has even created its own PeaceBuilder’s flag. Some of the result are we see more people listening, smiles, hugs, people helping one another, and bullying is decreased. We hear laughter, positive stories in staff meetings, “good job”, apologizing, cheers, encouragement, and students chanting "talk it out” to stop fights. We feel safe, happy, appreciated, hopeful, and close to others. These results come from students, administrators, teachers, bus drivers, and aids who are all trained in this school program. To be a Peacebuilder is a personal decision only you can make. Ask yourself ...