Dear friends Visiting the FARC 3/21/19
Were you in the jungle and part of the fighting? I asked. Yes I was in the war since I was about 4.” answered the ex-FARC guerrilla soldier.
“After 60 years we have come to see Christ was right; violence does not work to bring peace and justice. That is why we signed the peace agreement.”
Here is the ex-FARC guerilla, Pilar and me when we had our hour long conversation. The paintings in the background FARC soldiers did. They are selling them to help sustain themselves.
Surprising to me he referred to Christ. I must say I agreed with much of his analysis of the USA’s negative military doings in the world. He said, “We are really committed to working this out by being involved in the government even if Duque the new president fails in following the peace accords.”
My very good friend Pilar has gotten to know this household of demobilize FARC. She took me there. I was a little anxious despite her assurance it was safe. I soon felt at peace and sensed they are just people like all of us.
The FARC the main guerrilla group has surrendered all their weapons to the UN. This was a big concession. The former President Santos received the Nobel Peace for his 4 year peace effort. Pope Francis fully supported it. He made a special visit to Colombia to show his affirmation.
The ex-FARC are in the process of integrating into Colombian society. Neighbors were very suspicious of them for a while. Fortunately they are beginning to trust each other. This is big step toward the reconciliation that needs to happen to create harmony in their society. They are helping the homeless in their neighborhood.
God wants peace and justice too. Let us all join and do our part in this great work.
Do pray.
Queridos amigos, Les escribo para informarles que hace unas semanas me diagnosticaron Parkinson vascular. Tenía problemas para mantener el equilibrio y caminar. Vi a un neurólogo y me hicieron una resonancia magnética de mi cerebro, y a partir de eso y de mi historial, me diagnosticaron Parkinson vascular. Me siento muy bien con mi doctora. Mi Parkinson Vascular es causado por mini accidentes cerebrovasculares que bloquean la sangre en la parte del cerebro que controla la marcha. El Parkinson vascular afecta principalmente a la parte inferior del cuerpo, y por lo tanto, afecta la marcha y el equilibrio y regularmente no suele provocar temblores. Es diferente del Parkinson clásico que es causado por la falta de dopamina. El tratamiento principal para el Parkinson vascular es tratar de detener los accidentes cerebrovasculares manteniendo bajo control factores como la presión arterial y el colesterol; esto puede evitar que la enfermedad progrese. Por lo tanto, no necesariamente empe...
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