Dear Friends, I Disagree!
“I disagree with you completely. Isis would never agree to
dialogue if we dropped food, clothing, medicines, and tents to them. They are a
terrorist group. Don’t you understand who they are? Not in a million chances would your idea work. I think
you’re crazy.” A gal responded
emotionally, when I asked for their comments to my sharing. I was a bit taken
back by it.
So as soon as she
finished before I could respond an African American fellow student girl
responded with tears and choking up not being able to finish her thoughts, “I disagreed
with her very strongly. Violence never works. Nonviolence is the only way….”
Here I am in one of
the 7 talks I gave at Verdugo Hills public High School. This is at least the 4th year I
have given talks here. This one on “Isis, Peace, and Nonviolence” I got by far
the most emotional response I ever had. Always other years I shared about my 7
years with CPT in Colombia where I always got positive responses, but never as strong
as this one. My sense was even though it seemed a very new idea to everyone.
Most students left the room feeling this makes sense.
One student that
stopped me in the hall on my last day and said, “I really appreciate your
sharing, thank you for coming; I told my mom she said nonviolence is the way. I
think this guy has something.” I am very encouraged that she felt it important
enough to share with her mom, and that her mom agreed with me. I find it very hopeful
as more and more Americans are seeing war is not working and getting worse and
just mushrooming.
Another said I am going to make copies of your flyer which
summarizes your talk and give them out at my church.
Thank you for your
financial and prayer support that has enabled this trip to happen and be so effective
so far.
May things be going smoothly and with shalom in yours days,
PS. attached is the
flyer I gave out. On the 2nd page is the summary of my talk.
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