Dear Friends, Hope for Justice and Peace 10/29/14
One student
in La Mesa shared, “Before the class I had little hope for peace and justice in
Colombia, but now I have hope. Thank you so very much.”
student in La Mesa where I gave 17 talks remarked, “I really appreciated that
you I talked about how God wants Catholics and Protestants to work together
rather than fighting each other. I really agree with that.”
I always
stay with the Quiroga family in Barranca. We really enjoy each other and do a
lot of teasing. It is fun. Roberto and Eberty also made a point to encourage me
to keep up the talks, saying they felt it is good and very important for

Here is Roberto, Robertito, Sasha, and Eberty.
When I was here a couple of years ago, Roberto
the father was beginning as a council member in Barranca a city of 300,000 .
It has been
the custom for each member of the council to receive under the table a large
sum of money. Roberto has refused to accept it out of personal conviction.
Because of
that and his not voting for projects which he felt were wrong, the “powers that
be” removed him along with 7 others from the council. Their cases are under
review. He says it is all in the hands of the Lord. Pray for him.
Robertito in
his economics class researched what are the largest businesses in the
world. The top four starting with
highest are: Military armaments, illegal drugs, oil, and last is
pharmaceuticals. Very Interesting.
Two teachers
after hearing my sharing had me come to others of their classes. One was a
priest who teaches religion. Here is a Barranca class room.
students were encouraging when they made a point to express appreciation for my
Pray for the
success of the peace talks between the government and the FARC; many people
feel it will be big step in ending the 50 year civil war and are hopeful.
Pray that
this trip may be part of bringing hope, peace and justice to Colombia. Thanks.
Shalom, Jim
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