Hello friends, Why Atrocities? Nov. 5, 2014

I answered,
“Well, that’s a tough one. I’ll have to think about that. Just off the cuff a
number of things come to mind. First God has given us free will. We are free do
awful things if we decide to.
The TV is probably part of why too. How many
killings do we see there every week? I imagine it tells us unconsciously that
killing is just a part of living in the world today.
Another is
playing games on the internet where one shoots things to win. I understand the
military uses such games to train soldiers to kill. They start shooting things, then are
gradually are switched to people and then the people are turned into the enemy
and then the devil. Then when the soldiers are in the field they are switched
to real people. Probably that same process happens in our thinking too.”
Pray for the success of the peace talks between the Colombian government and the FARC in Havana, Cuba. Many Colombians feel it will be a big step in ending the 50 year civil war and are hopeful.
Pray for the success of the peace talks between the Colombian government and the FARC in Havana, Cuba. Many Colombians feel it will be a big step in ending the 50 year civil war and are hopeful.
Shalom, Jim
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