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Dropping Peace Seeds

Right off the bat, in the first step to Colombia, as I arrived at Princeton Amtrak Station, another
passenger, Marie, said, "you must be going a ways with all that luggage. Where are you headed?"
That sparked an extensive conversation about CPT and Colombia.

After the vigil for peace in Evanston, where I stayed overnight. We invited Jorge, a Mexican,
home to eat with us. I told him a little about CPT and he said he would like to do that. He is
considering joining the Monday night Potluck seminars at Reba Place Church. He studied English
under our close friend Mary Jude.

In the airport I struck up a conversation with a 21-year-old Mexican from Miami. I shared with
him about CPT and gave him a Peace Pilgrim pamphlet. He heartily affirmed our peace work.
When we arrived in Atlanta I translated and helped him find his gate for his next flight.

Than at my gate, Gerry, a Pentecostal diary farmer/pastor on his way to adopt four children in
Bogota, started a conversation. I shared with him about CPT work and that I was just reading a
paper on the history of Pentecostal ́s and Conscientious Objection. He read a bit of the paper, and
said he had read some of the writing of one of the authors quoted there.

Than when we enter the plane, there was Rick Warldorf, a Pentecostal whom I had just met at the
Seeking Peace Conference a week before. Rick was on his way to Quito to teach cross-cultural
mission work. We spend an hour or so sharing. I than introduced him to the Pentecostal farmer.
They had a time of visiting, in which Rick invited him to the upcoming Pentecostal Peace
conference in Texas. ( For more info go to: )

And to top it off I was sitting beside a Colombian physician/professor in genetics returning from
China. I showed him my photos about CPT work. He shared some good ideas that "in the peace
process we need to center on reconciliation and repairing relationships, and not on punishment
because jailing seldom helps." He added, “The recent visit to Colombia of Desmond Tutu in his
sharing about the Truth's Commission successes in South Africa is the way to lasting Peace."

All but one of the above are slated to receive my letters. It almost seems as though these
encounters were planned by someone. Each one made the trip fun.

I just learned the Team is considering some major changes in our work, your prayers for this
would be greatly appreciated.

Peace, Jim


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