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Jim’s Peacemaking Update

The Christian Peacemaker Team Booth at Cornerstone Music Festival went especially well. Serious interest in peacemaking seems to be growing amongst Christians. I have already had dialogue with others about helping at the Booth next year so we can reach more brothers and sisters.

I had many serious conversations, especially with the 20 persons who expressed interest in joining CPT work. I encouraged those interested to pray about it, saying it is important to sense a clear call from the Lord about this dangerous work. And if we pray, the Lord will answer, something I feel I have come to see more clearly in the last year. So get ready when you pray!

Here I am in a conversation at the Cornerstone Festival. 230 persons signed up there to receive peacemaking news.

Later in July I went to the funeral of my brother in PA. That was a sad time, though at the same time it was encouraging to hear the many stories of the way people showed love and care for Wayne. This concern for him is a clear evidence of the activity of the Lord working in people’s lives. I was able to tell him I loved him by phone a few days before his passing. I was touched that he had asked to hug his grandchildren just before that.

While traveling I was able to share with four travelers about the Lord’s peacemaking work through CPT. Two of them are now on my mailing list, and one is Amish. Often these personal encounters are some of my most significant engagements with people. I feel somewhat akin to John and Peter in Acts 4 where they just could not keep quiet about what they had seen and heard.

Last Sunday I shared at the Prairie View Mennonite Church. I ask the youth, “Have you thought about what you would do if there was a draft?” I was surprised when two brothers responded, “We are ready to serve in the military.” I then said, “Are you ready to kill and be killed?” They said, “Well, yes if the cause is good.” One of the two brothers afterwards shook my hand and thanked me for coming. Two other youth told me, “I am not ready to kill.”

With this church I shared that we need to be ready to give our lives for peace the same way soldiers give their lives for war; this idea was Ron Sider’s founding vision for CPT. I sensed the Lord’s presence in this church and in our time together.

August 5th I led a good workshop at our annual Shalom Mission Partners Camp Meeting.

Please join me in prayer concerning
  • The CPT Booth which I will be holding at the Bureau County Fair on 8/24-8/28.
  • CPT Congress on 9/8-9/11, which I plan on attending.
  • Preparations as I prepare to return to Colombia for three months starting September 15.
  • My acceptance of and learning from my continued periodic episodes of depression.
Thanks and Peace,


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