Friends Committee for National Legislation has some very good suggestions for a Jesus response to the London bombing, and you can write letters to all your Government's reps. with one click at . Sooner it is done the better. blessings, Jim
July 8, 2005
Here's the letter I wrote,
More War is not the answer to the London Bombings, it will just fuel the hatred that the world relations is now full of.
An eye for an eye only makes all of us blind. If war and violence led to
peace we would be full of it now, so it obviously does not work. It only leads to more hatred and pain and suffering, escalating the violence.
Please look into and support the Smart Security Legislations that Rep. Lynn Woolsey's introduced in the House.
Please support the legislation to declare that we will and want to bring US troops home from Iraq ASAP.
Jim Fitz
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