Mennonite Central Committee is a relief, community development and peace organization with some 1000 workers in 53 countries. MCC is sponsored by Mennonite and Brethren in Christ churches. Go to http://mcc.org/acp/ to see examples from their magazine of the work they do. Click on “Involved” at the bottom of the page to find service opportunities.
Christian Peacemaker Teams joins local partners to reduce violence through biblically based peacemaking and non-violent direct action in Iraq, Palestine, Colombia , and other places. Their address is http://www.cpt.org.
Make arrangements so I can share with your school, church, or group. Contact me at 773-856-3351 or jimfitz2@gmail.com.
Programs You Might Be Interested In:

a 50 year old Mennonite community in Chicago, has an internship that seeks to provide a hands-on experience of their community life. Their address is http://www.

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