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Showing posts from January, 2003

About Jim Fitz

Life, some say, is a journey. If my journey had to be characterized by one word, that word would be peace. Others have said the Journey of Life has both an inward and outward aspect. The inward part of my Peace Journey has been life long - in part, a heritage from my religious upbringing in an historic peace church. Growing in faithfulness to a disciplined practice of time set aside daily for prayer, scripture and other inspired reading, and listening for God has been a part of my life for at least the last 30 years. In 2003, my journey took a more outward turn toward following a call to a life of more full time peacemaking. Since then I have volunteered 2-3 months a year with Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT) in Colombia, South America . The presence of CPT gives protection from the threats of the paramilitaries and guerrillas to some 80 rural families. During the rest of each of those years, as invitations come, I have shared slide presentations about the work of CPT in Columbia, tryi...

Service Opportunities

Mennonite Central Committee is a relief, community development and peace organization with some 1000 workers in 53 countries. MCC is sponsored by Mennonite and Brethren in Christ churches. Go to to see examples from their magazine of the work they do. Click on “Involved” at the bottom of the page to find service opportunities. Christian Peacemaker Teams joins local partners to reduce violence through biblically based peacemaking and non-violent direct action in Iraq, Palestine, Colombia , and other places. Their address is . Pray (or as some say, “Lift to the Light”) friends, enemies, government leaders, situations from local to global. Most days I spend over an hour daily interceding by just reading names of people and concerns I wrote in my prayer book. I have sensed that a real connection with these people takes place in this simple practice. It has become a time of meditation for me as well. Request a Presentation Make arrangements so I ...

Education Opportunities

The Center For Justice and Peacebuilding at Eastern Mennonite University in Virgina provides very good practical training to people from all over the world, including many from hotspots. It is a multicultural experience to study there. You can take anything from short courses in justice and peace-building to graduate studies. One lawyer I know took a course and it completely reoriented the way he practices law. Their web address is http://www.emu/cjp/


Work on personal conflicts and disagreements with whoever you rub shoulders with. It is good to remember God is always with us trying to help in this, one of the most challenging things to work at in building peace.

Community Internships

Programs You Might Be Interested In: Jubilee Partners , a rural Christian community, has a volunteer program teaching English and the basics of western life to refugees. They are on the internet at Reba Place Fellowship a 50 year old Mennonite community in Chicago, has an internship that seeks to provide a hands-on experience of their community life. Their address is http://www. . Plow Creek is a 38 year old Mennonite rural community in Illinois with an internship that seeks to provide a hands-on experience of community and farming without chemicals. Explore this at


FCNL Friends Service committee on national legislation is an easy way to email all your government representatives with one click. And I find I often agree about the importance of the issue and FCNL's positions. Their web address is .

What One Person Can Do

What can one person do? There are an overwhelming number of things one person can do! But it is easy to become overwhelmed by shoulds and to try and do too much. Then we are unable do any of them well. Help for setting priorities is part of my daily prayers. I like to begin by asking for the Lord’s help in doing whatever task I have decided on. I think praying helps it to be effective and for it to go smoothly. Though I must admit at times I forget. Look through the following: Opportunities Lobbying Reconciliation Community Internships

Books to Read

Jim’s comments on books that have been forming his peacemaking . The Message Remix Bible by Eugene Peterson       Eugene’s introductions and his today’s language translation have moved me to make bible reading a central part of my quiet time.  Some important quotes “Jesus is the descent of God to our lives, just as they are, not the ascent of our lives to God, hoping he might approve when he sees how hard we try.” “the bible is about the incredible love of God among us, doing for us what we cannot do for ourselves.”  “We are most ourselves and the people of God when we love.” “As you read ask God to have his way in your life.” It was 1st written in the language people conversed in and for us to best understand it for our lives it seems it would be good to do the same As a result I have begun my 1st quest to read the bible through. I bought a used copy for less than $15.00. Be sure to get the remix which has the verses divided and Eugene’s introductions.  Biblical Pacifism by Dale Bro...


Work on personal conflicts and disagreements with whoever you rub shoulders with. It is good to remember God is always with us trying to help in this, one of the most challenging things to work at in building peace.


Education Opportunities The Center For Justice and Peacebuilding at Eastern Mennonite University in Virgina provides very good practical training to people from all over the world, including many from hotspots. It is a multicultural experience to study there. You can take anything from short courses in justice and peace-building to graduate studies. One lawyer I know took a course and it completely reoriented the way he practices law. Their web address is Service Opportunities Mennonite Central Committee is a relief, community development and peace organization with some 1000 workers in 53 countries. MCC is sponsored by Mennonite and Brethren in Christ churches. Go to to see examples from their magazine of the work they do. Click on “Involved” at the bottom of the page to find service opportunities. Christian Peacemaker Teams joins local partners to reduce violence through biblically based peacemaking and non-violent direct action in Ira...