Dear Friend,
"My brother Evan just came down with cancer a couple of days ago, he has just a few days to live. Just found it out and we are trying to figure out how to deal with it emotionally." This is how I learned of my friend Evan's situation.
Three months later I learned from Bart his brother that that Evan appreciates phone calls. As awkward as it was I called him three times. We had surprisingly good conversations. Evan has a deep heart for justice and peace so we had some good sharing on that common ground.
He told me his divorced wife called him every day. What grace, what a gift.
Evan then had a pre-emptive memorial service with him there in which 30 or 40 friends and family he helped with his skill in plumbing and heating expressed their deep thanks. Evan had them play "Bridge over trouble Water" with the volume turned up. It was all very meaningful. This made me consider that every day I get closer to passing on too.
I am currently in Portland seeig my new grandchild Isabella (Izzy) - it has been special. I also will do discussions/sharing at George Fox U and churches on "Healing Our Divided Country". I hope to encourage persons to talk respectfully and really listen to friends whom they disagree with on issues like immigration, climate change, and gender. It will be challenging.
Do join me in praying for the success of this venture. Shalom,
"My brother Evan just came down with cancer a couple of days ago, he has just a few days to live. Just found it out and we are trying to figure out how to deal with it emotionally." This is how I learned of my friend Evan's situation.
Three months later I learned from Bart his brother that that Evan appreciates phone calls. As awkward as it was I called him three times. We had surprisingly good conversations. Evan has a deep heart for justice and peace so we had some good sharing on that common ground.
He told me his divorced wife called him every day. What grace, what a gift.
Evan then had a pre-emptive memorial service with him there in which 30 or 40 friends and family he helped with his skill in plumbing and heating expressed their deep thanks. Evan had them play "Bridge over trouble Water" with the volume turned up. It was all very meaningful. This made me consider that every day I get closer to passing on too.
I am currently in Portland seeig my new grandchild Isabella (Izzy) - it has been special. I also will do discussions/sharing at George Fox U and churches on "Healing Our Divided Country". I hope to encourage persons to talk respectfully and really listen to friends whom they disagree with on issues like immigration, climate change, and gender. It will be challenging.
Do join me in praying for the success of this venture. Shalom,

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