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Showing posts from 2018


Dear Friends, Separations I attended a rally in Chicago where 60,000 gathered calling for keeping families together. I think of what if my Andy and Emily were forced to be separated from their children of 3years, 1 year, and 11 months old. Is there any law that would be right for that to happen? Dear Friends, Separations I attended a rally in Chicago where 60,000 gathered calling for keeping families together. I think of what if my Andy and Emily were forced to be separated from their children of 3years, 1 year, and 11 months old. Is there any law that would be right for that to happen? Can a believer justify family separation in light of the Bible? Leviticus 19:33-34 and 24:22 – “When the alien resides with you in your land, you shall not oppress the alien. The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among you; you shall love the alien as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.” ...


Queridos amigos,                                             Separaciones Asistí a un mitin en Chicago donde 6,000 se reunieron para mantener a las familias unidas. Pienso qué pasaría si mi Andy y Emily se vieran obligados a separarse de sus hijos 3 años, 1 año y 11 meses. ¿Hay alguna ley que sea adecuada para que eso suceda? ¿Puede un creyente justificar la separación familiar a la luz de la Biblia?  Levítico 19: 33-34 y 24:22 - Cuando el extranjero reside contigo en tu tierra, no debes oprimir al extranjero. El extranjero que reside con usted será para usted como ciudadano entre usted; Amarás al extranjero como a ti mismo, porque extranjeros fuiste en la tierra de Egipto. Yo soy el Señor tu Dios ". Deuteronomio 24: 17-18 - "No debes privar a un extranjero residente ... de justicia". O el llamado de Jesús a "amar a todos" En el mitin tuve una conversación d...

Korea Peace Healing our Divided couhtry

  Dear friends                     “Healing Our Divided Country” First I rejoice at the North and South Korea peace agreement. I suggest you go to the link democracy for a very good interview of an American coronel who resigned in protest against the afghan war, and even though she opposes most of trumps doings she gives surprising hopeful insights about the accords.   “I have a friend who recently told me he thinks we should deport all undocumented persons. And we should just do away with those who disagree. We are quite good friends we play soft ball together. How do I begin to talk to him?” shared a student at George Fox University in Oregon. The professor suggested, “Well you have some common ground in softball. Maybe that would be a good place to start.” The prof added, “Just about every student enter the conversations that was great.”   This was from one of t...

Colombian Election

Hello friends,              3/23/18                     The Colombian Election Sad to hear the guerilla political party the FARC got very few votes after signing the peace accords and surrendering their guns that ended a lot of the violence. They do get 5 seats in each of the two houses of congress. They lost due mainly to wealthy and politically powerful former president Uribe’s push against the agreement by his convincing Colombians that the accords were too lenient on the FARC. One consolation to me is to remember in El Salvador when they signed the peace accords (1992) it has taken 26 years till now to have a government that cares for the poor. The present El Salvadoran president was a commander of the guerillas FLMN.   Pray with me something similar can happen in Colombia soon. I just spent four days with our new grand...

Preemptive Memorial Service

Dear Friend, "My brother Evan just came down with cancer a couple of days ago, he has just a few days to live. Just found it out and we are trying to figure out how to deal with it emotionally." This is how I learned of my friend Evan's situation. Three months later  I learned from Bart his brother that that Evan appreciates phone calls. As awkward as it was I called him three times. We had surprisingly good conversations. Evan has a deep heart for justice and peace so we had some good sharing on that common ground.   He told me his divorced wife called him every day. What grace, what a gift.  Evan then had a pre-emptive memorial service with him there in which 30 or 40 friends and family he helped with his skill in plumbing and heating expressed their deep thanks. Evan had them play "Bridge over trouble Water" with the volume turned up. It was all very meaningful. This made me consider that every day I get closer to passing on too. I am currently in Portland se...