Dear friends,
Peace talks are in a very critical point right now. You can help by praying.
Here is where things stand:
The FARC the
largest guerrilla group declared a unilateral cease fire on July 20. That is
very good. However the government refuses to do the same, Santos the President
has said that if they do, the FARC will regroup and reinforce themselves as has
happened in the past.
issue: Santos says the guerrillas who have done atrocities should be imprisoned.
FARC says, only if all others like the Colombian military and paramilitaries
who have committed atrocities are also imprisoned. Probably the Colombian
military is strongly pressuring Santos to keep them out of prison.

peace talks in Havana Cuba
They have
agreed on some very important points. One is how to include the guerillas in
the political process.
The UN and
other countries are getting involved to help broker an agreement.
Santos says
if we can’t work out an agreement by December we are going to withdraw from the
talks. Keeping the dialog going is very important. Also Colombians on all sides
are very impatient that Santos is taking too long. As a Colombian told me
yesterday you don’t have 50 years of war and make a just and solid peace treaty
Like me many
of you may wonder if prayer can do anything. Is this just too big? Or do I have
enough faith? Jesus said if we have the faith the size of a tiny mustard seed,
which is very little, we can move mountains. The effectiveness of prayer is
dependent on God not on us.
Walter Wink
in “The Powers That Be” pp 180 - 200 shares how the Berlin wall came down
without a shot being fired after years of people praying and demonstrating. He gives
several good examples of how prayer changed the world. So I ask you to consider
praying that all the players in the Colombian civil war namely: FARC, ELM,
Santos government military, Paramilitaries, and businesses would seek first what
is best for the people of Colombia.
Thanks for
praying from the people of Colombia!
Friday 7/31 I gave a 2 hour university talk
here in Bogota, it was really good.
Shalom, Jim
Ps. Read
both sides position in this link.
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