Dear Friends,
Muslims, Hispanics, Gays
“What similaries do to you see in the USA today and in your time
growing up in Nazi Germany between 1928 and 1948?” Ask a brother at a sharing I
attended. Franz Schneider answered. “What scares me is the signaling out
certain groups like Muslims, Hispanics, and gays as the enemy as though they
are the problem by a certain candidate. We were catholic we were on the list; fortunately
no one turned us in. I had a brother for who the SST came to our house, arrested
him and we never saw him again. I was home
when it happened. Another thing is the one presidential candidate’s
reluctances to say he will accept the outcome of the election if he loses. All
these things happened under Hitler. I am fearful. Your country is in dangerous
At one point whole neighborhoods were leveled by the bombing.
Many homes had cellars connected to the neighbors under the main houses, so
when one was bombed you went to neighbor’s cellar. Many times we barely had
enough food to eat, we were often hungry.
One person said to me (Jim) or I read it. “In the news
reports about war they often just talk about the guns, planes, drones, and
bombs and but fail to mention the suffering and pain that that comes with war.”
Franz is 88, uses a walker, has a PhD, taught 40 years at
Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA. he now lives in Albany, OR.
Here at George Fox
University I gave over 250 flyers. I was surprised at obvious student interest
in making peace with Isis nonviolently.

Pray for peace. As I often have to remind myself, the
effectiveness of my prayers depends on God not us. What we need to do is show
up and say the words.
Shalom, Jim
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