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Showing posts from November, 2015

Llamada telefónica de las FARC

Hola amigos,                                                                              Llamada telefónica de las FARC  “Hola, este es el Comandante Morales de las FARC. Estamos tomándonos su finca”. Las FARC es el grupo guerrillero más grande de Colombia. Ante esto, José y María con su hijo Jorge salieron rápidamente con solo su ropa en sus espaldas.” José estaba llorando ya que renunciaba a su sueño de una finca para poder proveerle un futuro a su hijo “, María intervino mientras me contaban su historia. José añadió lo siguiente: ”María estaba preñada de nuestro siguiente hijo .La finca comp...

A Pito Bite & a Traditional Healer

Hello, Friends,                                     A Pito Bite & a Traditional Healer I noticed swelling on my knee from some kind of bite. It was obvious something serious so I went to the hospital and got a shot.  They told me to keep it in the air so I began wearing shorts. It helped for a little while. But then it started to swell again. Whenever the Colombians saw it most everyone remarked, “antibiotics will never work: you will have to see a sobandero” (traditional healer). We then went as a team to a neighborhood where the Paramilitaries were abusing the people. There we held a protest demonstration. There were 6 or 8 guys there watching us, so some of us went over to talk to them.  One fellow noticed my bite and remarked “you will have to see a sobandero.” Then he said, “Oh, I kn...