Hello Friends, Your Prayers and My Mission September 3, 2013
What do you do?” “I work for the chiropractor who has this booth.” “ You’re a chiropracter?”
“No, I am his helper. Would like to sign up for a free adjustment?”
“No, I don’t live here. I work at peacemaking, working to end war. I have a booth here. I give
out a pamphlet that tells how you can help do that by writing to President Obama, and your
senator and your representatives with one click . Would you like one? Sure! Come visit me
around the corner.
What do you do when you are not here?” “I am mom, I have 3 kids.” “Being a good parent to
children is important peace work, too, to create a future society of peace.”
Thus went one of many conversations .
Here I’m sharing about peace with several women at my booth.
I gave out over 500 pamphlets in the five days I was there. As I reflected about the many
conversations I had I sensed your prayers for my mission were fulfilled. Thank you for your
every prayer. God was listening and acting through your prayers to use you and me each to do a
part to bring justice and peace.
My mission is to Grow Peace internationally and locally by
instilling Hope through:
• Raising awareness of God’s actions for justice and peace through CPT
• Inspiring people to act and pray.
• Modeling reconciliation, friendship, understanding, and compassion.
• Engaging in conversations that seek common ground.
In regard to Lyn and my separation: considering all matters things are going about as well as
can be hoped for. Pray we can end with an amicable settlement for us and all our family.
Shalom to you this day,
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