Hello Friends, Your Prayers and My Mission September 3, 2013 What do you do?” “I work for the chiropractor who has this booth.” “ You’re a chiropracter?” “No, I am his helper. Would like to sign up for a free adjustment?” “No, I don’t live here. I work at peacemaking, working to end war. I have a booth here. I give out a pamphlet that tells how you can help do that by writing to President Obama, and your senator and your representatives with one click . Would you like one? Sure! Come visit me around the corner. What do you do when you are not here?” “I am mom, I have 3 kids.” “Being a good parent to children is important peace work, too, to create a future society of peace.” Thus went one of many conversations . Here I’m sharing about peace with several women at my booth. I gave out over 500 pamphlets in the five days I was there. ...