Dear friends, Surprises in Colombia May 5, 2012
"When can you come again and teach us more about peace?" asked a youth after my sharing in the Bogota Baptist church. Another youth, Angie, remarked, "You must come and share in my public high school." On Monday I was in her school making arrangements for me to share there. Their interest and work to see this happen is very encouraging.
I also visited La Mesa, which has a very pleasant temperate climate; this was a nice change from the humid cold 40 degrees of Bogota. There they grow lots of beautiful flowers.
The photo below was taken in La Mesa. I am speaking in one of two sessions at the Mennonite school which included all 250 of their sixth through eleventh grade students. Because of all their questions each session lasted one and a half hours instead of the usual 40 minutes. This resulted in my sharing many more aspects of my vision for the way God wants to use students to bring peace and justice to Colombia. I believe we are all called to be peacemakers and the sooner we each are doing our part the sooner justice and peace will come to Colombia and the world.
The former top military officer who is now Colombia’s president is doing a lot of good to the surprise of everyone. He has been implementing a law to get land back to the famers that was stolen by the paramilitaries, Colombia military, and guerillas. He also plans to build 100,000 houses for the poor, uncover corruption, and develop better relations with Venezuela, when they were on the verge of war. I shared this to show how God is using people we might think are bad for good. I see this as a way to give them hope for peace in their country after 50 years of civil war. Without hope, as many are, they are not likely to do what they can for peace, even to pray for it. I added about the importance of praying for people we might think as bad or enemies.
Also I shared how I got involved in CPT as a result of responding to an email request and that these 10 years have been the richest of my life. I than added, "if you will respond to what you are drawn to and use it for the good of others it can lead to a rich life too."
Here in Barranca with the old friends I am staying with I have had some good conversation with their friends. One, a gym teacher, is going to have me share with his basketball team. Here it has been pleasantly cooler than usual often getting down to 85.
My knee is getting much better, and my time is going well. Thanks for your prayers
Shalom to you in your life,
Queridos amigos, Les escribo para informarles que hace unas semanas me diagnosticaron Parkinson vascular. Tenía problemas para mantener el equilibrio y caminar. Vi a un neurólogo y me hicieron una resonancia magnética de mi cerebro, y a partir de eso y de mi historial, me diagnosticaron Parkinson vascular. Me siento muy bien con mi doctora. Mi Parkinson Vascular es causado por mini accidentes cerebrovasculares que bloquean la sangre en la parte del cerebro que controla la marcha. El Parkinson vascular afecta principalmente a la parte inferior del cuerpo, y por lo tanto, afecta la marcha y el equilibrio y regularmente no suele provocar temblores. Es diferente del Parkinson clásico que es causado por la falta de dopamina. El tratamiento principal para el Parkinson vascular es tratar de detener los accidentes cerebrovasculares manteniendo bajo control factores como la presión arterial y el colesterol; esto puede evitar que la enfermedad progrese. Por lo tanto, no necesariamente empe...
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