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A Moment of Peace in Colombia

A Moment of Peace in Colombia May 5, 2011


Yesterday I did a presentation at the "Moment for Peace" at the Mennonite Church, which is an outreach to persons who have had to leave their homes because of threats or deaths of family members by paramilitaries, Colombian army, or the guerrillas.

Three that I talked to have had to leave their families behind; all had children. Another had all her family killed. She wanted me to help her get to the USA, which I was unable to do. It is almost impossible for this to happen, on account of US government policy.

So I ask you to be like Moses, who for 10 times - even though he felt inadequate because he stuttered and thought Pharaoh would not listen - was told by God to go talk to Pharaoh anyway. Remember 600,000 heads of households with their families were freed from slavery as a result.

Take a minute every week and go to and with one click tell all your government representatives to stop giving a million dollars a day in military aid to Colombia, which is about the same as putting wood on the fire of war here.

Also tell your senators, congressperson and the president to push for cancellation of the Free Trade agreement which only helps big business and forces people in many ways to work for very low wages for these businesses. They are deciding about this right now.

I had good travel, especially the time with the 5 people I got to know and shared with. They all expressed thanks and support for my work. It was also good practice, since I had not made a presentation for a while.

Pray for :

Colombian President Santos and President Obama and their advisers: that they would seek the way to bring justice and peace, for God to show this to them, that they would be open to it, and put it into practice.

My patience and quick learning of a cell phone and the computer differences here. It has been trying, though it is getting better little by little, thanks to friends here.

That I would learn how to put these messages on facebook and twitter, so as to share them more widely.

Thanks and peace,



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