Help End the Wars with One Click!
Simply go to , enter zipcode at the “Find out” button, click on “one click” above the pictures, click “send message” at the bottom. Just takes a minute. Write them weekly.
2011 U.S. military spending is $2.1 million dollars a minute. Of every dollar in taxes, 57% is for military, 1% is for diplomacy and development, 6% is for health care, 4% is for education, and 11% is for poverty. This is based on President Obama’s 2011 federal budget. Reference;
Tell your government representatives to stop wasting our tax dollars for war and destruction which does not create peace and security. Instead it creates enemies, terrorists, recession, joblessness, broken families, and suicides. Tell them to spend it on constructive things like schools, health care, and employee people to built roads and bridges etc.
Democracy works if we use it! About two years ago, the United States was giving 1.5 million dollars a day in military aid to Colombia. People prayed and let their representatives know that they opposed this aid. Due to this pressure, it was reduced to 1 million dollars a day. This reduced the deaths and suffering in Colombia tremendously.
What would happen if just half of military spending were used for jobs, education, roads, and health care? Our current recession and national debt is directly related to this wasteful military spending. To provide each of the 15.3 million unemployed Americans with a job paying $50,000 year would cost $765 billion for one year – just three-quarters of the total military budget. That would mean zero unemployment.
An agency working on effective government has found that when our letter includes something personal, such as how this issue affects your community your letter is given more attention. Ask that the money go for constructive items like: jobs, roads, education, health care, and public transportation.
Each letter you write represents several thousand citizens to your government representative. They have told the Friends Committee on National legislations “” that they appreciate what they are doing for it enables them to know what their people are thinking.
We can complain about how bad our government is all we want to our friends, but if we don’t let the people who are making the decisions know how we feel, how can we expect it to change? Write them weekly. Remember to pray – it makes our efforts even more effective.
When I ask people on the street, “Would you like to help end the wars in the world? Often people respond, “ Its not worth it there will always be wars and rumors of wars.” I answer, “Though you know that is what they said, when people began working for to end slavery, for civil rights and for equal rights for women.”
Ten times Moses said,”I stutter I can’t talk to Pharaoh, and he won’t listen any way.” God answered, “Pharaoh will not listen to you, but I want you to tell him any way.” Do we not often feel that way about emailing and praying for the government? But we need to do it any way. Remember 600,000 men plus their dependents were delivered out of slavery by the obedience of Moses. It took 430 years. We need to think the long haul, though there came a point when they just rushed out of Egypt. Exodus chapters 3-12, is another good place to express your opinion. It is a website of the Republican Party.
Hello, friends,
“Would you like to help bring an end to the Wars with one click of the computer?" I ask strangers. "You can write your senators, congressperson, and President Obama with one click at Tell them to stop using our money for destruction and war which does not make peace and security but deaths suicides and broken families." And they shake their head yes, to say they can agree with that. "It just creates enemies and probably terrorists. I can do that I will take one of your papers."
President Eisenhower said the United State’s greatest future danger is the corporations that make all the military equipment. Those companies are lobbying strongly to keep the wars going for their profits. But we can change that if we pray and act for peace. A current example is Colombia.
About two years ago, the United States was giving 1.5 million dollars a day in military aid to Colombia. People prayed and let their representatives know that they opposed this aid. Due to this pressure, it was reduced to 1 million dollars a day. This reduced the deaths and suffering in Colombia tremendously. Democracy can work if we use it!
What would happen if just half of that were used for jobs, education, roads, and health care? Our current recession and national debt is directly related to this wasteful military spending. To provide each of the 15.3 million unemployed Americans with a job paying $50,000 year would cost $765 billion for one year – just three-quarters of the total war budget. That would mean zero unemployment.
An agency working on effective government has found that when our letter includes something personal, such as how this issue affects our community; our letter is given more attention. Ask that the money go for constructive items like: jobs, roads, education, health care, and public transportation.
We can complain about how bad our government is all we want, but if we don’t let the people who are making decisions know how we feel, how can we expect any change? Write them once a week. Remember to pray – it makes our efforts even more effective.
Approaching people this way at the Bureau county Fair got to my surprise about 8 of 10 person to take my paper attached. Here is my friend Rich Foss at the Fair.

Pray for:
- Peace, Justice, Joy, and Love for the people in war.- My speaking trip to Pennsylavania Sept 27- Oct. 31
Shalom, Jim
When I think of all of the good in our country and the rest of the world that could have been accomplished with the hundreds of billions (trillions? more?) of dollars spent on war in Iraq and Afghanistan, it makes me angry, hopeless, and sad. When will we learn that violence begets violence? Money spent on war--on killing--is money that could be spent to feed hungry people and to educate those who want to learn in order to make a place in the world.