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Subway Peace Sharing ; Rolland & Bonnie Smith

Dear Friends,

“I think you are crazy. All the war makers want is oil. You are wasting your time. You don’t have a chance to bring peace in the world.” Thus responded John after he had listened to my sharing about CPT peacemaking in the Jackson subway station here in Chicago.

I answered, “I had a fear when I started peacemaking that I would become hopeless and burnt out. But surprisingly I have more hope than I ever have. And these last seven years have been the richest of my life.”

I went on to share, “You can be a peacemaker just by being kind and nice to people, especially ones that aren’t nice to you, and it will make you happy.” John answered, “Guess you’re right there.”

John went on to say, “I am an agnostic.” I responded, “I was an agnostic for a number of years back in the early 70’s. Then one time, when visiting a pastor friend, I shared that I just could not say with integrity that I believed all that stuff about God. He said to me “Well, don’t try to fool God - you can’t. But if you want to believe, ask for it.” That was a milestone for me and the beginning of my ever-growing faith.

An older lady in the subway, after I told her some peace stories, said, “I get my inspiration from the Bible. I am part of a church where my son is the pastor.” So I offered her the pamphlet Making Peace with Enemies - Ten Truths Christians Need to Know and the book Biblical Pacifism by Dale Brown. She responded, “Now, I don’t have any money or I would pay you for these, and if I see you again I will pay you. But, I will be sure to pass these around to others and especially to my son.”

Here I am in the Jackson subway station with my display board of photos to go with the stories I share with travelers. I go at least once a week. It is a good venue, keeps me on my toes, for I never know with whom I will be sharing. As many as 20 persons an hour take my literature packet, which includes how they can contact their senators, congressperson and President Obama all with one click of the computer.

Pray for:
-My subway sharing
-My visiting in a homeless shelter
-My preparation for my upcoming April and May trip to Colombia to encourage the Mennonite Brethren churches to be peacemakers and also to set up interviews for Paul Alexander for his book about Christians following their call to work in justice and peace.

For those who know Rolland and Bonnie Smith, this is a message from them written by Bonnie:

“An abnormality was seen by the urologist on Rolland's one remaining kidney. Rolland has chosen to return to Brazil to spend 6 weeks at the John of God place of physical and spiritual healing which he has gone to before; he quit his job as pastor in Kalona, and he says he needs space from Bonnie to decide what he is being called to do with the rest of his life. He says he plans to move to New Mexico for an undetermined amount of time when he returns from Brazil. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will work in a mighty way to bring hope and healing to their marriage and to each of them individually.”

You can let them know you are praying and care by email: ,

Peace, Jim


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