Here I am at the Tiskilwa Strawberry Festival sharing my report with another person. She was very interested in peacemaking. In these conversations I try to really listen and help individuals see that their peacemaking activities are a part of God’s bringing his kingdom of peace. We all have our part to play. The rising interest in peace is very encouraging.

Here I am during one of my presentations using a map explaining the situation in Colombia. I believe if people come to know the real suffering that is happening in Colombia, they will withdraw their support of the 1.5 million dollars per day of US military aid. Colombia needs aid in the form of healthcare, schools, and other social services. We need to do things that help people for that is Jesus what taught.

This is on the Opon River in the countryside of Colombia. Here the Christian Peacemaker Team is accompanying boats of Opon farmers on the way to a meeting. This meeting was part of some very significant strides for a lasting peace in which the farmers courageously united to say no to cooperation with the threatening armed groups. This has enabled development organizations to begin working with the farmers. All this gives me hope. I look forward to joining the CPT team here this fall.
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