Urgent: I just learned the US State Department is hoping to close the agreement to use seven Colombian military bases in Colombia by mid August, so it is important to follow through on praying for a change in those plans and to let your representatives know of your opposition to them ASAP. This very well could be the beginning of our government’s next war. See my last letter and these links:
Cornerstone 2009
“I think I talked to your people in Baghdad. I was a truck driver in the US Army and we had a little down time and I wanted to see if these American civilians would call us baby killers. But to my surprise they were very warm, understanding, and in a way, very compassionate,” remarked this 27 year old women by the name of Erin. “Might it have been a woman you talked to?” I responded, as I pointed to Peggy Gish in Baghdad on our CPT display board in our booth at Cornerstone Music festival. “Why, yes, she is the person I talked to,“ Erin answered.
Erin went on to share: “War is driving us all insane. The only people who know what war is really like are the two people who are fighting. That was a good job you did in your sharing at the seminar. Thank you! We just have to keep planting seeds for peace and justice. The School of Americas where the US government is training terrorists to work against governments in Latin America has to be closed.“ Choking up with tears in the midst of this very moving conversation, I answered, “Yes, I have been to vigils there twice.“
“I might not agree with you on everything, but I think what your doing is good. Keep up the good work. Here’s $5.00 dollars.” said a National Guardsman to my booth helper Rod. Rod said to me after several good conversations, “This is why we need to keep doing this year after year, It is so important to keep this dialogue going and building peace, even with people we disagree with.”
“Ok, don’t tell me about any more books! This is the last one!” joked Rick, a Pentecostal from Iowa, after I had shared with him about three books and their impact on my peacemaking life. He felt he could not leave the booth without them. (Check out my web/blog for the list of books and how they impacted me.)

Here Rod is having a good sharing time about CPT's work. This woman shared: “I became familiar with non-violence through working with a Mennonite 10,000 Villages’ store that sells fair trade handicrafts from around the world. I have been very impressed with the way Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Gandhi were able to use non-violence to bring about a positive change. Non-violence really works.” Rod responded, “It sounds like you have some real peacemaking skills.”
On August 6 I shared a CPT slide presentation with a church women's prayer group in Tiskilwa, IL.
On August 26-30 I will have a booth on CPT at the Bureau County Fair in Princeton, IL. Please pray for God to work and speak through my conversations during this time.
His peace to you today,
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