Over the last six years, my work with CPT in Colombia and the subsequent sharing of that work in slide presentations here in the US has been the centerpiece of my peacemaking work. On Dec. 15 I received a phone call and email from the CPT team that they had decided to ask me not to return to Colombia to be part of the team. At the same time they strongly affirmed my work and passion for peace work. This decision was a shock to me, for although there have been differences at times between me and CPT, I thought that last spring we had worked them through. I want to say first that despite our differences, I see CPT doing lots of good, enabling Colombian farmers to stay on their land, saving lives, and exposing wrongs to the light, to name a few. And because of this I hope the Lord can somehow work things out for me to promote CPT here in the USA. We will see. Although this news has been extremely difficult for me emotionally, I sense God has used it to help me see that it is time to sepa...