"You're urging our congress to cut funding for our troops in Iraq really disturbs me, I am a vet from WW II and that is not supportive of the troops. I totally disagree with you." Said the vet after I told him about CPT work. I responded, "I feel it is supportive to bring them home alive, not in a..." (I never got to finish my sentence as it obviously did not make much sense to him.) He interrupted me, "This conversation was a waste of our time." I answered, "I don't think so, even though we disagree deeply. For us to talk with each other is what Jesus would want us to do." We ended by shaking hands as he parted.
"How do you like working for the Carnival?" I asked a 20-some year old woman. "Well it sure beats living on the street." I wonder what in her history made her say that.
After I shared quite extensively about CPT work, a brother responded, "That is good work you do. I was in Vietnam, and I am still healing from that. I can't stand to hear anymore." And he walked away.
A sister, after listening rather intently about CPT work, said, "Wow this is really something what CPT is doing. But I must let you know I am an atheist." I answered, "I was an agonistic at one time, so I understand a little where you come from. I will share with you what a pastor told me- "Don't try to fool God. It is healthy that you are honest." I added, "We have a vigil every Wednesday at the Court House. You might want to join us some time." She responded, "That is good idea, I will see if I can get off from my work to come."
One day I counted 61 persons I had talked to, I imagine I talked with over 200 people in those five days. Realizing that makes it feel worth getting so tired out.
Pray for these local presentation
9/20 Lutheran Pastors and lay leaders conference
9/23 North Peoria Mennonite church
9/30 Lutheran church on the Hill
-My leading the communal part of our church in looking at how we deal with conflicts and disagreements.
-for the sprouting and flourishing of the seeds that were sown in the talks at the Fair.
Blessings of peace to you,
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