Hello Friends,
What a warm welcome I received in returning to Colombia!
"Oh, I am so glad to see you; I thought maybe you were never coming back. I have to tell you how much help your suggestions were to me last year. I found some persons to pray with me who have been so helpful. The Peace Pilgrim pamphlet helped me see the mistakes I have made in not giving my husband and children the time I should have. This store has occupied me too much. Your short prayer for me just before you left a year ago was helpful too. My husband has stopped seeing the other women."
Other friends did not have such positive news. Al shared, "Leo has separated from his wife, and has lost his spot on the street to be able to sell "banuelos'. So it has been tough for him without any work for the last 5 months. However, Leo and I are part of a Catholic prayer group that has been a very good and a big help to us. And his wife and children go to the Protestant church we all used to attend."
A week later I unexpectedly ran into Leo as I got off the bus in downtown Barranca. He said, "Today I bought this space so I can sell banuelos again." Leo added, "I do see my children everyday. You have to have some banuelos now; what do you want to drink?"
Down the street some tamarindo and tangerine juice vendor friends greeted me, "Oh, so glad to see you. Have some tamarindo juice. How is your family? My family is fine and doing great. Have some more. When did you get here? How long will you be here?" When I replied that I would be there until November 21 when I return to the USA, they said, "It's great that you will be here awhile."
Some friends in the Opon had some comments about people who have had to abandon their farms lately because of threats. They said, "Those who seek peace, will find peace, and those who seek a fast buck will reap threats and violence."
These were some of the welcomes from many Colombian friends. Say a prayer for Leo and his family. Thanks.

What a warm welcome I received in returning to Colombia!
"Oh, I am so glad to see you; I thought maybe you were never coming back. I have to tell you how much help your suggestions were to me last year. I found some persons to pray with me who have been so helpful. The Peace Pilgrim pamphlet helped me see the mistakes I have made in not giving my husband and children the time I should have. This store has occupied me too much. Your short prayer for me just before you left a year ago was helpful too. My husband has stopped seeing the other women."
Other friends did not have such positive news. Al shared, "Leo has separated from his wife, and has lost his spot on the street to be able to sell "banuelos'. So it has been tough for him without any work for the last 5 months. However, Leo and I are part of a Catholic prayer group that has been a very good and a big help to us. And his wife and children go to the Protestant church we all used to attend."
A week later I unexpectedly ran into Leo as I got off the bus in downtown Barranca. He said, "Today I bought this space so I can sell banuelos again." Leo added, "I do see my children everyday. You have to have some banuelos now; what do you want to drink?"
Down the street some tamarindo and tangerine juice vendor friends greeted me, "Oh, so glad to see you. Have some tamarindo juice. How is your family? My family is fine and doing great. Have some more. When did you get here? How long will you be here?" When I replied that I would be there until November 21 when I return to the USA, they said, "It's great that you will be here awhile."
Some friends in the Opon had some comments about people who have had to abandon their farms lately because of threats. They said, "Those who seek peace, will find peace, and those who seek a fast buck will reap threats and violence."
These were some of the welcomes from many Colombian friends. Say a prayer for Leo and his family. Thanks.

Here are two of our friends on the Opon. They are in the middle of making biscuits in a pot.
They built a fire on top of the pot lid to cook the top of the biscuits. They are quite innovative.
They built a fire on top of the pot lid to cook the top of the biscuits. They are quite innovative.
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