Sandra, a CPTer home on vacation woke up in the middle of the night burden with fear, as she had just dreamed that CPTers were in a town of farmers surrounded by armed groups, when the CPTers tried to leave a spirit of death knocked them over like dominoes except for Sandra.
The dream was so disturbing the next day she took it to her church and in response they had a special time of prayer for her and the CPT Team. The sense was that the team may be in for some hard times though it is unclear at this point what it all means in specifics. We sense also it was a message calling the CPT team to prayer and to seek God’s help in the days ahead. And we are here asking your help in that.
Then last night at supper we shared about a number of occurrences that have happened over the last month or so and some just recently. For security reasons I can not share them other that to say that some people that we trusted have lied to us. And we suspect it is because they needed to do it for there own security. Any way we sense in light of the above dream and what has happen some bad things could be in the making in this area of Colombia. And it makes me fearful.
And so we want to ask you to pray for peace for the Barranca area of Colombia, that we CPTers could have clear discernment regarding our work here and we could live trusting in God and not burdened by fear, so that we could be instruments of peace for what ever comes. And please pray for CPT’s and the Opon communities safety.
At the same time I don’t want you to be burdened with fear for our safety, try to see this as violence prevention.
Thanks much,
This is visiting a family in the Opon, The woman was ill with a fever
The dream was so disturbing the next day she took it to her church and in response they had a special time of prayer for her and the CPT Team. The sense was that the team may be in for some hard times though it is unclear at this point what it all means in specifics. We sense also it was a message calling the CPT team to prayer and to seek God’s help in the days ahead. And we are here asking your help in that.
Then last night at supper we shared about a number of occurrences that have happened over the last month or so and some just recently. For security reasons I can not share them other that to say that some people that we trusted have lied to us. And we suspect it is because they needed to do it for there own security. Any way we sense in light of the above dream and what has happen some bad things could be in the making in this area of Colombia. And it makes me fearful.
And so we want to ask you to pray for peace for the Barranca area of Colombia, that we CPTers could have clear discernment regarding our work here and we could live trusting in God and not burdened by fear, so that we could be instruments of peace for what ever comes. And please pray for CPT’s and the Opon communities safety.
At the same time I don’t want you to be burdened with fear for our safety, try to see this as violence prevention.
Thanks much,

and there daughter was plague with intestinal worms. We prayed with and for
them. this is a typical home in the Opon.
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