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Colombia Reports



It was great to see old friends again in the Opon the area where we work,
and sense their true gratefulness for each of us to be there. I sense anew
the importance of our presence for their peace of mind and the security it
means to them. It all makes us feel needed. This makes facing the risks and
dangers, 100´s of mosquitoes outside my mosquito tent waiting for me, the
heat at 95° F, the humidity near 100%, mud most everywhere and such in this
primitive situation worth it all. They are a strong and persevering people
to live in these conditions.

Our first day there Betty told us that guerrillas had walked past her place
two times the day before. They ask her to give them some food, and though she
doesn't want to help any of the armed groups, out of fear for what they
might do, she gave them a bag of food. She shared her fear that with any of
the armed groups being in the area she is afraid that a fire fight between
the different groups will catch her, her family, or other villagers in
between. Their lives are at stake.

Betty also shared about how while visiting her sister in another city,
they went to church. While in church, her sister sensed the need to pray
for their brother. So the whole church prayed for him for some 15 minutes. They
found out later that at that very time her brother and his family were
traveling through where there were a number of Paramilitary
checkpoints, but when the family passed through the area at the time they
were praying the checkpoints were not there. It pays to pray.
Betty's 9-year-old daughter has been with a lot of pain in her back for a
while now. They think it might be kidneys. They are afraid to go to town
for medical help, because they think the Paras might be after them. It is a
real dilemma.

We had a really good hour long conversation with Jack, the Army commander.
The Army has had a permanent presence in the Opon since August 16. Since
this there has been relative peace in the area.They are treating
the people with respect and not threatening and killing farmers as has
happened in the past. The farmers are very grateful for that and we told
Jack that.

Betty shared that all the armed groups seem to be using the same
strategy to win over the people to support them.

Jack shared he has come to see the importance of treating the people with
respect, but when it comes to Guerrillas, they are such criminals that they
just must be eliminated if we are going to have peace in Colombia.

Pierre responded that this a point where we differ. We believe the only way to
bring peace is to love the Guerrillas into changing. For even if we could
eliminate every Guerrilla today, in a few years their children would grow
up, and say they killed my Dad and I am going to get them back. And the
war would start all over again. We are working, praying, and hoping for the
day when the Army, the Paras, and the Guerrillas can sit down at a table
and eat together in joy and peace. That´s the kingdom Christ is calling us
to help to usher in.

Pierre also shared about one historian's perspective that at this present
time each of the armed groups in Colombia are armed to the teeth with the
most modern weapons, and if they try to settle this conflict militarily it
is just going to continue this 40 years of pain and disaster.

Elizabeth shared about how as CPTers we believe there must be
a transformation, a change in the way of thinking, of the individuals.
This change must be in the way we treat each other in families and
in all our personal relationships. Jack mentioned the importance of this

Pierre mentioned that a Para Commander shared with him that he thought
that the US should stop sending any more arms to Colombia,. Pierre said
that what Colombia really needs is schools, housing , health care, roads. etc. It
gives me real hope when I hear the military people are saying things like

We shared about CPT¨s work in Iraq and Palestine/Israel and the perspective
we have of these situations as a result. Jack said that he would never have
known that was what was happening there from the TV news. I shared how
part of our mission is to carry the truth back to the people of the North as to what is
actually happening in Colombia and the world as a way of correcting some
of the half truths of the TV news. We believe if the US people really
know what is happening, they will not continue to let their taxes be used
for fueling the war in Colombia. The truth will set the people free.

Jack shared how he had been in several battles and that the way they
portray war on TV and the movies is not how it really is. He said they
don´t show how bodies get torn up. He said that if we really knew what it
was like, we wouldn´t think it so great. He also shared that when in battle he just
could not bring himself to shoot children. He also said, because of what
soldiers go through , they learn to pray a lot.

Pierre shared how he respects Jack for trying to do something for peace.
Pierre said that many people just sit and watch TV, complain, and have an
everything-is-hopeless-no-use-trying-do-anything attitude. How easy it
is for us to fall into this type of attitude.

I sense these kind of conversations one can't make happen, but are gifts
from God. We really connected with each other at a deep level. Like all
of us, Jack is full of good and evil. I have come to see and appreciate the
good in him. He gives me hope for the future of Colombia. This kind of
thing doesn't make the news because it's not violent. Please keep Jack
and Betty in your thoughts and prayers.

For security purposes names will be changed in all my reports. Please feel
free to pass these reports on to any one who might find them of
interest. Again I ask you to pray for and work for peace for the end of
arms shipments to Colombia. Call your Senators and Congressman,
1-800-839-5276 today and weekly.


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