Jim Fitz and Jim Foxvog of Plow Creek helped get this ad run in the local papers.
War with Iraq? According to top army and intelligence off cials, attacking
Iraq is a bad idea. It won’t make us safer. It’s a distraction from the war on terrorism. It’ll
alienate our closest allies. According to United Nations estimates, a war with Iraq will kill up
to 500,000 innocent Iraqi civilians, and cost U.S. taxpayers as much as $1,600,000,000,000
Tough weapons inspections can disarm Saddam Hussein without costing a single life. That’s
why over 90 U.S. city councils are saying:
Inspections Work.
War Won’t.
“Successful disarmament of Iraq
is possible without Baghdad’s
active cooperation...”
Hans Blix Chief UN Weapons Inspector
Feb. 7, 2003 Reuters
“All the generals see it the same way, and all the others who
have never fired a shot, and are hot to go to war, see it
another... We are about to do something that will ignite a
fuse in this region that we will rue the day we ever started.”
Marine Gen. Anthony Zinni Former Head of Central Command for
U.S. Forces in the Middle East
“...we did ascertain a 90-95% level of verified disarmament.
This figure takes into account the destruction or dismantling
of every major factory associated with prohibited weapons
manufacture, all significant items of production equipment,
and the majority of the weapons and agent produced by Iraq.”
Scott Ritter Former U.S. Marine and UN Weapons Inspector
“Hopefully at least a few of our serving top uniformed leaders –
those who are now covertly leaking that war with Iraq will be
an unparalleled disaster – will... stand tall and publicly tell the
America people the truth...”
Col. David Hackworth (ret) America’s most highly decorated soldier
“[A] classified assessment by a British intelligence agency
[asserted] that there were no current links between Iraqi
President Saddam Hussein’s government and al Qaeda.”
Glenn Frankel -- Washington Post Foreign Service, Feb. 8, 2003
“We’ve been looking at this hard for more than a year
and you know what, we just don’t think it’s there...”
Government official remarking that FBI investigators were baffled
by the Bush administration’s insistence on a solid link between Iraq
and Osama bin Laden’s network. -- The New York Times, Feb. 2, 2003
Total number of
9/11 hijackers
from Iraq: “0”
Source: FBI, CIA
(US Capital Switchboard 800-839-5276,
White House Comment Line 202-456-1111)
We love our country and want to save lives of US and Iraqi soldiers
and prevent the suffering of their kids, moms and dads.
We invite you to get involved. Call Jim at 815-646-9910.
This ad is paid for by
North Central Illinois
Citizens for Peace.
Endorsers: F. Burton Nelson, Margaret & Lt. Col. (Ret.) Hal Autrey, Leonard Denholm (Nat. Guard), Steve Gunning, Julie McCuthin,
Paul Kautz, Sylvia & Roger Swanson, Harry Gerber, Glenn Mensing, Vernice Begly, Beth Gerig, Adam and Kelly Webber, Rich & Sarah
Foss, Sarah Hoebel Cooper, Judith and Don Chatfield, Louise Mahdi, Jim & Lyn Fitz; Jim, Meg, Daniel, & Samuel Foxvog; Pete Begly,
David and Margaret Gale, Jim Harnish, Erin Kindy, Richard & Ruth Anne Friesen, Steve & Boo Graham, Dennis Zehr, Ellen Davis-Zehr,
Dorothy & Alton Horst, Kim Abel, Earl Sears
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