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Showing posts from January, 2019

A Temper Tantrum

Dear friends: A Temper Tantrum On a shopping trip to Aldi’s I noticed a mother with a girl who was two and a boy who was one sitting together in her cart.. The boy was having a temper tantrum. I know how embarrassing that can be. Besides she was just beginning to shop. So I thought maybe I could help settle him down. So I went over and tried to talk to him. But he would have nothing to do with me. So I just started talking to his sister. “How old are you? What’s your name? How old is your brother? . “What is his name? She replied “Noah.” Hearing his name the boy started to quiet down and pay attention. After some more question and answers the kids and I shook hands and said goodbye. Then we both did our shopping. We passed each other several times. The kids would say “Hi” and wave each time we saw each other. Then as we went through the checkout the mother remarked, “Thank you so much, what is your name?” the kids waved saying “Goodbye...

The Koran and the Bible

Dear Friends: The Koran and the Bible 8/12/18 Recently, I went to Aldi's to grocery shop, at the entrance there was a security guard. I had never noticed a security guard in an Aldi’s before. So I curiously ask him about it. He said “I am here to catch shoplifters. I have caught 5 or 6.” Unexpectedly he added, “People don’t read the Koran or the Bible these days. These books both tell us stealing and killing (as he swiped his finger across his throat) is wrong. These things do not bring peace or contentment only sadness, anger and hate. I noticed he had an obvious accent so I asked, “Where are you from?” Surprising me he said, “I’m from Nigeria.” I replied, “I am from the Church of the Brethren and the 200 girls that were kidnapped there were from the Nigerian Church of the Brethren. I met one of the girls who was kidnapped who had escaped. I visited with her in the home of some Brethren friends in North Manchester, Indiana.” He replied, “Where I live...

Apartment Peacemaking

Dear friends, Apartment Peacemaking I live in an apartment and above me live a couple with a girl about six. Often over the last weeks the girl has ridden her scooter back and forth for over an hour at time. Can you imagine the racket? Knowing how little ones can be, I mostly just lived with it. Except when I was trying to get to sleep, so one evening I knocked on their door patiently several times and talked to the mother. Then one time after doing this several times, she said, “You don’t have to come up each time, here’s my phone number. Just call me if we get too loud.” Each time the noise would stop. Then recently the other day the couple were hollering and obviously fighting. So I went up and knocked intermittingly several minutes. I wondered whether I would be able to understand them when they are so angry. They have bit of an accent. I was anxious and fearful not knowing what might happen. Finally the fellow opened the door. I said “are y...