Jim's Peacemaking Newsletter View this email in your browser Dear Friends, “Do you really believe Justice and Peace are coming, in spite of all the wars, and as we titter on destroying all of creation with climate change?” questioned John Betten. I answered, “Yes, I believe peace is coming. It is hard to imagine how it is possible. But Jesus told us to pray for the kingdom to come, and that means peace and justice. He wasn’t talking about pie in the sky.” “Another thing, what keeps you working for peace and justice?” questioned John. About all I can say is, it is the spirit at work. I just feel impelled: not sure what else to say. Doing it has been the richest time of my life. “I think it is really important to pray.” As Daniel says, “We need to be praying especially for Colombia. There they are killing many human rights leaders. Such killing undermined the 1980’s peace agreement.” John questioned, “Why don’t we hear more about Syria in the news? Lots o...