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Showing posts from May, 2010

"They removed the top of my head"

Hello Friends, "When I was 13, I was hit by a car and had brain damage. I was in a coma for a week and told I would probably not live, be in a wheel chair, and never be right mentally. They took off the top of my head, stored it in my belly till the swelling went down, than put it back on. I feel it is a miracle that today I am pretty normal. I pray a lot, lead worship in church, play a flute I made of pvc pipe, and am a leader in my youth group." Thus shared Jefferson, an 18-year-old in the Mennonite Brethren church of the pastors I am staying with in Cali, Colombia. "I prayed last night from 1am-5am for our country. Because of the youth, drugs, and armed groups, the churches have decided to have some praying 24/7 and that was my part," said pastor Irianeth Barrera. I was awed and humbled. Here is Irianth with her 90-year-old parents, and two other relatives in the front yard full of flowers and a beautiful view of a mountain dotted with small farms. Years ago he...