Greetings friends! Here are my plans for 2007 combined with a report on 2006. I gave 34 presentations this past year , sharing with about 1355 persons about CPT peacemaking. I see this as planting seeds which help people to consider nonviolent ways of resolving conflicts from the personal to the international level. To start off, here are some photos that catch some of the highlights of my peacemaking. Here I am planting peace seeds by sharing photos and stories about CPT with this army sergeant in the Opon. He asked several times, "Do you think a person could be forgiven if they killed someone?" He added, "It sure doesn't make any sense the way we Colombians are killing each other." Even soldiers are seeking the way to peace. This was part of a couple of days where persons who had lost family members in a massacre broke their years of the silence. This is an important element in forging a lasting peace for Colombia that is based on reconciliation and justice. T...