"I am part of the Vineyard church, and we are strong on mercy but low on justice ministry. The church has asked me to develop their justice ministry. As a part of that ministry, I am in the process of developing a sister church relationship for our church with a church in Costa Rica and one in Guatemala. We are excited about our first 1st delegation which we have planned for this summer. I think our church is going to be really enriched through this experience. Do you have any suggestions for us?" Ann Howerton shared these thoughts with me as part of a two-hour visit which I recently had with her husband Craig and her in their home in Indiana. Craig and Ann had visited Plow Creek some years ago and have been receiving my email letters ever since. This conversation took place on my way to a gathering of folks who have been involved with Companion Community Development Alternatives (CoCoDa), the organization that has facilitated our relationship with Valle Nuevo, El Salvad...