The people who are holding our teammates have reset the deadline for a response as Dec. 10. Please continue to pray, thanks , and peace, Jim IRAQ - An appeal from the CPT Team Dec. 6, 2005 [The following appeal was just broadcast on Al-Jazeera television and has been distributed to other Arabic and English media] We are very concerned about our friends. We would very much like to know that they are in good condition. It is our most sincere wish that you will immediately release them unharmed. While we believe the action of kidnapping is wrong, we do not condemn you as people. We recognize the humanity in each person, and respect it very much. This includes you, our colleagues, and all people. We believe there needs to be a force that counters all the resentment, the fear, the intimidation felt by the Iraqi people. We are trying to be that force: to speak for justice, to advocate for the human rights of Iraqis, to look at an Iraqi face and say: my brother, my sister, Perhaps yo...